Sustainable Change

In order to put an end to violence against women we must create and support programs that will produce sustainable change

Women who have been abused need more than emergency shelters can provide.  They need to have the support, education and community that will take them from victim, to survivor, to someone who not only thrives, but acts as a champion for her family and others in living a life free of abuse.  This kind of transformation takes time. 

This is where Grace’s Place comes in.

A survivor participating in Grace’s Place programs has the continued support she needs to heal and start life over free of abuse. She receives education to open her eyes to a new way of being in the world for herself and her children. She is a member of a community that cares, that listens, that acts as a witness to her pain, and that provides her the companionship of fellow travelers creating a new path in life.

Grace’s Place Foundation’s programs fulfill a need that isn’t being addressed for sustainable change in the lives of women and children who have been harmed by domestic violence.

Long Term Program

This is a one year program to allow for healing and personal growth to take hold beyond the immediate needs that are currently being addressed by emergency shelters and other legal and advocacy services.

Research Based

The program is based on scientific proof of the components of post traumatic growth and state-of-the-art research on trauma.

Compassionate Community

We create and maintain a supportive community, a vital part of recovery and growth after any kind of trauma.

Secure your ticket today for the Starlight GALA at the Sessions Retreat & Hotel! Celebrate with us and be part of a night dedicated to hope, empowerment, and transforming lives.

Starlight Gala